Tezli Yüksek Lisans
Son Güncelleme:
07/10/2024 - 11:02
- 2 adet zorunlu ders
- 5 adet seçmeli ders
- OHS 590 Seminer
- OHS 580 Research Methods & Ethics (20161 ve sonrası kayıt olanlar için)
- OHS 500 Yüksek Lisans Tezi
- Toplam ders kredisi (en az) : 21
- Toplam kredili ders sayısı (en az): 7
Zorunlu Dersler
- OHS 501 Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety
- OHS 511 Field Studies in Occupational Health and Safety
Tavsiye Edilen Seçmeli dersler(*) (5 ders)
(*)Öğrenci Danışmanının onayıyla farklı seçmeli dersler alabilir.
- OHS 502 Industrial Hygiene
- OHS 503 Risk Management in Occupational Health and Safety
OHS 504 Workplace accident investigation and prevention
OHS 505 Emergency Management
OHS 507 Occupational Ergonomics
OHS 508 Occupational Health and Safety Economics
OHS 509 Safety Training
OHS 510 Workers Health and its Promotion
OHS 712 Occupational Diseases and Work Related Disease
- AE 722 Occupational Health and Safety in Aerospace Industry
- CE 703 Construction Risk Management
- CE 775 Construction Safety Management
- CHE 482 Chemical Process Safety
- CHE 780 Risk Analysis and Management for Chemical Processes
- ES 508 Statistical Methods for Engineering
- MINE 555 Advanced Mine Health and Safety Management
- PETE499 Occupational Health and Safety for Oil Industry
- PSY 445 Disaster Psychology
- PSY 500 Advanced Statistics for Psychology I
- PSY 519 Human Factors and Performance
- PSY 567 Psychological and Social Aspects of Disasters
- PSY 571 Accident and Behavioral Models, Theories, and Its Implications
- PSY 576 Situation Awareness
- PSY 662 Advanced Issues in Organizational Safety Culture and Climate