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OHS 501 Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety, (3-0)3
Recognition, evaluation and control of work related health hazards (chemical, physical, psychosocial and ergonomic), principal groups at risk, assessment of occupational health and safety directives, legislations, standards, prevention of diseases, protection of workers' health, performance, comfort and well-being and early diagnosis of work related disorders and diseases, counter measures, evaluation algorithms of the impact of measures at the workplace, workplace specific human-response models, workplace health promotion activities, rating of industrial noise and vibration affecting residential areas.
OHS 502 Industrial Hygiene, (3-0)3
The recognition, evaluation, and control of occupational health hazards. Chemical, physical and biological hazards in work place, their emission, contamination, recognition, standards, and control.
OHS 503 Risk Management in Occupational Health and Safety, (3-0)3
Assessing and controlling risks and developing solutions to OHS hazards, hazard communication at workplace; risk management process: identification, basic risk assessment methods, handling and monitoring risks; principals for eliminating or reducing risks.
OHS 504 Workplace accident investigation and prevention, (3-0)3
History of accident investigation and prevention, importance of accident investigation and prevention, data gathering for accident investigation and reporting, accident investigation tools, principles of accident preventions, corrective actions, role of management on accident prevention
OHS 505 Emergency Management, (3-0)3
History and overview of emergency management; Mitigation, preparedness, communications, response, recovery; mitigation tools, hazard identification, impediments to mitigation; GIS in emergency management; legal issues of emergency management
OHS 507 Occupational Ergonomics, (3-0)3
Principal of ergonomics, worker-workplace interactions, occupational factors affecting the worker, shift work ,workplace hazards, occupational risk factors for musculoskeletal system and disorders, work physiology, lifting, workplace design, Ergonomic guidelines for sedentary and standing tasks, effect of thermal factors, noise, vibration, and illumination, ergonomic assessment of the workplace
OHS 508 Occupational Health and Safety Economics, (3-0)3
Health systems of different countries, economical aspects of Occupational Health and Safety, OHS systems, insurance systems, health and safety risks for different sectors, cost analysis, cost of occupational health procedures, cost of accidents, cost of hospitalization, cost of returning job activities, compensations, work loss, designing safe work places, process choosing, cost of OHS training and education programs, effect of OHS on productivity, direct and indirect benefits of OHS
OHS 509 Safety Training, (3-0)3
Importance of health and safety training, human factors on health and safety practices, human error prevention techniques, methods to develop, execute, evaluate and execute the training programs.
OHS 510 Workers Health and its promotion, (3-0)3
Occupational diseases and work related diseases; respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, hearing problems, ILO and other classifications of occupational diseases, the reasons, diagnosis, screen tests and methods, preventive actions, public policy and legislation.
OHS 511 Field Studies in Occupational Health and Safety, (3-0)3
Field studies in selected aerospace, chemical, petroleum and natural gas, metallurgical and materials engineering industries. Consideration of a problem pertinent to the occupational health or safety issues of those industries, analysis of the problem, provision of sound solutions, Report writing in research format.
OHS 590 Seminar, (0-2) NC
Each student is required to present objective and scope of his/her research subject, and actively participate in the discussions of other students presentations.
OHS 8XX Special Studies, (2-4) NC
M.S. Students choose and study a topic under the guidance of a faculty member, normally his/her advisor.